Hayami Gyoshu (1894-1935) was a Japanese-style painter. Born in Kayacho, Asakusa, Tokyo, his real name was Eiichi, and at the age of 14 he entered the Angado painting school of Matsumoto Fuko. He changed his name to Goshu after he succeeded to the Hayami family on his mother’s side. He was active in the Benjikai and Akayokai, and exhibited “Rakugai Rokuzen” at the Inten Exhibition in 1917, which was highly praised by Yokoyama Taikan and others, and was nominated as a member of the Nihon Bijutsuin, In 1930, he went to Europe. While paying attention to the trends and theories of Fauvism, Cubism, and Surrealism in Europe at the time, he studied Chinese Intenstyle painting and ingested the decorative compositions of Sotatsu and Rimpa school painters to create a new style of painting.